About Us

“Be the person your dog thinks you are,” is a I hold dear to my heart, and live by. This product is dedicated to our fur kids, who love us unconditionally. Our furry friends have the potential to teach us many lessons and essentially make the world a better place. Burlee Joe Coffee was born out of love for my Old English Sheepdog, Burlee. He was kind, goofy, and protective. He expressed his wants, needs and ideas through his thoughtful, big eyes. He gave me so much joy while he was here on earth. He laid by my feet each morning as I sipped my cup of joe, yearning for only one thing, love. I want nothing more than to give back and assist some amazing pups in finding their forever homes, as well as providing fresh, quality coffee to their owners. A portion of each purchase will be donated to a no-kill dog, and animal shelter. We at Burlee Joe Coffee have a mission to do something great! We would love for you to join us in our mission.

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